Here’s a little pressie from MoJo to you, Sweetie.
Start to Align with the Divine with your very own
Destiny Workbook

“Woo” Wednesdays
w/ MoJo

Join me and other “woo” women for this no-cost, fun, and fascinating get-together.

It’s all about the “woo,” baby!

Click here for info and to register

Calling Healers, Coaches, & Transformational Practitioners!
Click here to become a published author
with MoJo in
The Destiny Guidebook:
Live Your Purpose, Love Your Life

Destiny + Choice = Loving Your Life

Did you know that you get to choose your Destiny? 


If you still haven’t figured out what you want to be when you grow up (You are SO not alone,BTW!),

Or you wish you had a spotlight to illuminate your path,

Or you just know you were meant to be more, but you can’t find your purpose…

MoJo will be your guide.


The Big Gasp!

Have you ever had a moment of self/divine-revelation, when the angels chorused and the light shone upon you and you gasped at this new concept that gave you chills and brought tears to your eyes?

If not, you will.

Follow MoJo.

And Speaking of Destiny…

MoJo Medium is
The Destiny Dame:

Audacious Author
“Spirit-acious” Speaker
Transform-acious Teacher

Susan “MoJo” Morrow-Johnson fumbled her ADHD-way from a freakishly-happy childhood to an extraordinarily ordinary adulthood, until she discovered a stunning latent talent: she could talk to dead people.

Thousands of readings later, MoJo added an overflowing cupful of divine downloads from the Other Side to her cauldron of talents, including divine guidance, writing, speaking, philosophy, and a pinch of smart-ass for good measure.

From thence, MoJo became the enlight-taining speaker you simply must have at your next luncheon or event, or as a guest on your podcast.

Let’s speak.


Why “MoJo”?

Not only is it wordplay with my last name, Morrow-Johnson, but it also means
your essence,
your destiny, and
your gifts that are meant to be shared,
expressed, and
sung out loud!

Your MoJo is your unique recipe for Destiny stew.

Start cookin’ here.

Make a Clean Break

Whether you are broken-hearted,
Or just plain broke,

My upcoming book,
Break Up with What’s Broken,
will show you why “broken” is optional.

Catch a Break here.


Hey, soul-centered entrepreneur,

Are you ready to turn those slamming doors into
doors that fly open for you instead?

When your soul-centered business is not delivering the Fulfillment, Fun, and Funds that you want–nay, that you deserve!–it’s time to work on Choosing Your Destiny.

Download your no-cost Destiny Workbook to get started now.

Get instant access to the Destiny Workbook here.